Il bluesman dall’attitudine punk, vincitore di due Grammy Awards nelle categorie ‘Best Contemporary Blues Album’, questa sera in diretta per 30 minuti di concerto, su

“ Hello my Italianos I want to play some music for you! Please tune into my livestream and lets kick back and enjoy each other’s company for 30 minutes.
In this very difficult time I want you to know that I am thinking of you. Much much love to you my friends” – Fantastic Negrito
Fantastic Negrito in tour in Italia a luglio:
21 luglio, Grugliasco (TO), GruVillage 105 Music Festival
22 luglio, Fiesole (FI), Estate Fiesolana
24 luglio, Pordenone, Pordenone Blues Festival
info tour: Barley Arts
Ascolta ‘Please Don’t Be Dead’, l’ultimo album pubblicato a giugno 2018 (Cooking Vinyl/The Orchard)